RGI’s XIR Moisture Analyzer combines NIR (Near Infrared) technology and advanced software in a user-friendly package. The XIR is the most economical NIR analyzer on the market and yet it does not compromise on accuracy, usability, or quality. RGI pre-calibrates the...
Model AcuLoop plug in display module: 4-20 mA, loop powered and suitable for use with the new AcuDew high performance dewpoint transmitter. Easy to install and lightweight, this large, four digit, LED, plug in display is easily supported on the body of the AcuDew...
AcuDew is the new and latest addition to the range of dewpoint transmitters from Shaw Moisture Meters, incorporating SHAW’s moisture sensing technology and advanced electronics. This is a 2-wire, loop powered transmitter with a linear 4-20 mA signal, which can be...
When buying a SHAW dewpoint sensor, you know that you’re buying into over 60 years of proven technical experience. The aluminum oxide sensor, used for measuring trace moisture in air and gases is a great example of why you can always put your trust in us. Construction...